Keeping Fit and Well During Lockdown

In order for us all to stay healthy, many governments are currently advising us to maintain exercise at home or, as in the UK’s case, outside once a day.

If you were already fit and had hobbies like cycling, running, or going to the gym, the transition to lockdown life may not be as difficult as you think. If you are keen to adopt the healthiest lifestyle you can in these strange, unique times, you will certainly feel the benefit. Better sleep, a better mindset, and breaking up the day are all huge rewards gained by keeping fit and healthy!
CHIKAS healthy and wholesome snacks are an excellent source of protein and energy as well as being:
100% Natural
Suitable for vegans
Soya free
High in Protein
No palm oil
Highly nutritious

Perfect for that post work out snack!
Read on for our top tips in keeping fit and well at home...

1 – DANCE!

At CHIKA'S we love to dance!

Dancing releases endorphins - your body’s natural happy drug!

If you want to learn a new dance, there are plenty of tutorials on Youtube,
so get that music pumping and get dancing!

We'd love to see your moves, so don't forget to tag us in your videos on Instagram! 


Kill 2 birds with 1 stone and get cleaning! Having to stay in so much, you’ll feel so much better in nice, clean surroundings.

Cleaning the windows? 150 calories in 30 minutes.

Gardening? Up to 200 calories for 30 minutes.

Cleaning the whole flat can be the equivalent of a 5-mile run!

Even better, crank the tunes up and make it fun. Not only will you feel better for moving around, but you’ll also feel smug looking at the hoovered floor when you turn on Netflix in the evening.

3 - YOGA
There are TONNES of benefits to getting into yoga, including:

Increased flexibility.
Increased muscle strength and tone.
Improved respiration, energy, and vitality.
Maintaining a balanced metabolism.
Weight reduction.
Cardio and circulatory health.
Improved athletic performance.
Protection from injury.

Head to Youtube and Instagram for a whole host of free lessons by qualified instructors!


There is nothing quite like the fresh air and, if we can, we should get outside. If you are new to running, try a brisk walk and jog 5 minutes on and off and up slowly.


For the more experienced runner out there, as all races are canceled, there are plenty of virtual races to keep the motivation up. There’s nothing quite like having a goal to keep you going. (At a safe 2-meter distance from others!)


It can feel quite hard to get going at first, but there is nothing like a routine to help. It will get better the more you do it. Routine is key, so make it a part of your day. Even if it’s 10 minutes mobility first thing in the morning, stay active, stay safe, and take care.


Stuck for fitness ideas at home? Head to social media! Instagram has hundreds of options for #HomeWorkouts. From our favorite sporting stars to personal trainers, there are so many to choose from. 

They’re mainly short, sharp workouts and, looking at the hashtag, cater for a huge variety of fitness levels: from entry all the way up to hard cardio workouts.

Get scrolling and Get Social!

Phew! After all that you're gonna need a pick-me-up!

Head to CHIKA's on the link below to stock up on your post-workout snacks!

Stay Happy and Healthy!

With Love

CHIKA and The Team


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